Thursday 7 December 2006

BL7: CUFADM02A Posting: Editing My Link List and Adding a Posting to a Student’s Blog

1. What is the Website Title and Website Address of the Blogger Help Topic “How do I edit my link list”?


2. Confirm that you have linked my Teacher Blog and two other Student Blogs – Add the Blog Title and Blog Address for each

Pauline Fountain: Teacher Blog: CUFADM02A 0206

Andrew Pennel student blog

Nick Draney student blog

3. Confirm that you have added a Comment to the “BL1 > Part 1: CUFADM02A Posting: About Me” posting on one of the Student Blogs in your Link List. Provide the following details i.e. Student Blog Title, Student Blog Address, Date and Time you added the Comment, Link to your Comment

andrew pennell student blog "about me post"

Sunday 3 December 2006

BL10: Finding and Describing a Copyright, Licensing or Intellectual Property Dispute Case in the Film, TV, Games or Multimedia Industry

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Search Strategy--> --> searched for intellectual property dispute case and browsed links of interest.

The Pooh rights case-->

Walt Disney claims to have worldwide rights to Winnie the Pooh and other AA Milne storybook characters.The corporation said it had won the support of the heirs of AA Milne and illustrator EH Shepherd. The deal apparently gave it exclusive worldwide rights, thanks to changes in copyright law that allow heirs to renegotiate intellectual property agreements. But the announcement was rejected out of hand by lawyers for Stephen Slesinger Inc, which signed an agreement to buy the rights to Pooh in 1929, before licensing them to Disney in 1961.


Stephen Slesinger Inc sued Disney in 1991, for as much $1bn in royalties and unspecified punitive damages.

Key Features -->

“Disney claims that, under United States law - and the 1998 Copyright Extension Act specifically - a new agreement granting all rights to Disney could be negotiated. The act requires the heirs of the creators of works to give two years' notice to people granted copyright rights, which is why the new agreement begins in 2004.”


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Saturday 2 December 2006

Web Research Task "Da Vinci Code" CUFADM02A Address Copyright (WebCT Semester 2 2006)

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Background Information - “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail”:

Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, and Richard Leigh, authors of The Messianic Legacy, spent over 10 years on their own kind of quest for the Holy Grail, into the secretive history of early France. What they found, researched with the tenacity and attention to detail that befits any great quest, is a tangled and intricate story of politics and faith that reads like a mystery novel. It is the story of the Knights Templar, and a behind-the-scenes society called the Prieure de Sion, and its involvement in reinstating descendants of the Merovingian bloodline into political power. Why? The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail assert that their explorations into early history ultimately reveal that Jesus may not have died on the cross, but lived to marry and father children whose bloodline continues today. The authors' point here is not to compromise or to demean Jesus, but to offer another, more complete perspective of Jesus as God's incarnation in man. The power of this secret, which has been carefully guarded for hundreds of years, has sparked much controversy. For all the sensationalism and hoopla surrounding Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the alternate history that it outlines, the authors are careful to keep their perspective and sense of skepticism alive in its pages, explaining carefully and clearly how they came to draw such combustible conclusions. --Jodie Buller

QUESTION 2: Background Information - “The Da Vinci Code”:

With The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown masterfully concocts an intelligent and lucid thriller that marries the gusto of an international murder mystery with a collection of fascinating esoteria culled from 2,000 years of Western history. A murder in the silent after-hour halls of the Louvre museum reveals a sinister plot to uncover a secret that has been protected by a clandestine society since the days of Christ. The victim is a high-ranking agent of this ancient society who, in the moments before his death, manages to leave gruesome clues at the scene that only his granddaughter, noted cryptographer Sophie Neveu, and Robert Langdon, a famed symbologist, can untangle. The duo become both suspects and detectives searching for not only Neveu's grandfather's murderer but also the stunning secret of the ages he was charged to protect. Mere steps ahead of the authorities and the deadly competition, the mystery leads Neveu and Langdon on a breathless flight through France, England, and history itself. Brown (Angels and Demons) has created a page-turning thriller that also provides an amazing interpretation of Western history. Brown's hero and heroine embark on a lofty and intriguing exploration of some of Western culture's greatest mysteries--from the nature of the Mona Lisa's smile to the secret of the Holy Grail. Though some will quibble with the veracity of Brown's conjectures, therein lies the fun. The Da Vinci Code is an enthralling read that provides rich food for thought. --Jeremy Pugh

Question 3 -->

The authors of "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grain" claimed that the author of "The Da Vinci Code" had stolen some of their concepts before their book was published. They began legal action against “The Da Vinci Code” publishers . The judge ruled that Dan Brown did use the previous book to write certain parts of his thriller, but did not substantially copy their work. Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh had to pay 85% of Random House's costs of almost 1.3million pounds.

Question 4 -->

Sony was realeasing the "da Vinci Code" film which was based on the book.

Question 5 -->

“Since there is no copyright in an idea, any claim for breach of copyright must rest on the way that the idea is expressed”

“The judge himself acknowledged that nothing in the plaintiffs' case would have stultified creative endeavour or extended the boundaries of copyright protection”

“But, as copyright lawyer, David Hooper, points out, the key issue is the amount of a book, both in quantity and quality, which is copied by someone else”

“Under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, the creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works enjoy protection for original work if they can establish " a degree of labour, skill or judgement" in producing it”

‘No surprise' in Da Vinci judgement , Jon Silverman, 7 April 2006


BL3: CUFADM02A Posting: “Finding Nemo”

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Website for BBC -->

number of postings: eight

-->. News - Disney sued in France over Nemo 24 Dec 2003
--> News - Finding Nemo case delayed 29 Jan 2004
--> News - Finding Nemo 'copy' case begins 24 Feb 2004
-->. Newsround - Frenchman claims he invented Nemo 25 Feb 2004
-->. News - French author loses Nemo battle 12 March 2004
-->. Newsround - Writer loses court claim for Nemo 13 March 2004
-->. News - Frenchman loses Nemo copy claim 20 April 2005
--> Newsround - Children's author loses Nemo case 21 April 2005

The story -->

French author Frank le Calvez took legal action against Disney, because he said that some of the characters from the film “Finding Nemo” look a lot like the characters from his book “Pierrot The Clown Fish” which was released before the movie was made. The judge ruled in Disney’s favor saying that Nemo existed before his book/story. Pierrot's story was published in 2002 and Disney studios had Nemo drawn by 2000. The writer was convicted of fraud and was ordered to pay damages.

BL9: CUFADM02A Posting: Useful Websites About Copyright Part 3

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1) Australian Law Online-->

-Australian Law Online
3. Australian Law Online provides access to law and justice related info
-Law topics for individuals
-Law topics for families
-Law topics for business
-Law topics for service providers
-Australian Law Online contact details
-Find a service search
-Site Login

visited: 2/12/06

2)IP Australia-->

- Australian Government | IP Australia
-IP Australia is the Australian Government agency responsible for administering patents, trademarks, designs and Plant Breeder's Rights
-About this site
-Online services
-Business strategies
-IP quick links

visited: 2/12/06

Part 1) Creative Commons -->

-Creative Commons
-Creative Commons licences enable the legal sharing and reuse of cultural, education and scientific works
-Discussion list
-Featured projects
-Newsletter sign up
-About Creative Commons
-Creative Commons contact information
-Press kit
-Site policies

visited: 2/12/06

Part 2) Creative Commons Australia -->

-Creative Commons Australia
-Creative Commons Australia is the Australian imitative of the Creative Commons project
-About Creative Commons Australia
-Contact information
-Learn more about Creative Commons Australia
-Information on Australian copyright law

visited: 2/12/06

5) (WIPO) World Intellectual Property Organization -->

-World Intellectual Property Organization | Encouraging Creativity and Innovation
-The World Intellectual Property Organization is dedicated to developing a balanced and accessible international intellectual property system
-About WIPO
-IP services
-Program activities
-News and events
-Site search
-Contact information

visited: 2/12/06

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BL8: CUFADM02A Posting: Useful Websites About Copyright Part 2

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1. Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA) -->

-For composers, Authors and Publishers of music. est. 1926
- APRA is a "not for profit" organisation that collects royalties for the copyright owners of music around the world
-Industry news
-APRA news
-Site search
-About us
-Music user licences
-Music user news
-Music user resources
-Publisher news
-Events and Dates
-Awards central
-Writer news

visited: 2/12/06

2. Screenrights (Formerly - The Audio Visual Copyright Society) -->

-Screenrights administers the provisions in the Copyright Act that let schools, tafes and universities copy from TV and radio for teaching, provided they pay a fee
-This months screenrights news
-Events and latest news
-Screenrights in New Zealand
-Jobs at Screenrights
-Speakers bureau
-Information for film and television workers
-Rights Management and Royalty Collection Services for the Film Industry
-About screenrights

Visited: 2/12/06

BL5: CUFADM02A Posting: Useful Websites About Copyright Part 1

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Australian Copyright Council -->

Copyright Council's Online Information Centre

-The Australian Copyright Council is an independent not for profit organisation.They provide information, advice and training about copyright in Australia. You'll find a lot of information about copyright in Australia on their website, including many information sheets. Their publications include practical guides and discussion papers. They also do research, and make submissions on copyright policy issues.
-contents: the site has information on who the auzzie Copyright Council are and what they do.
- A section on copyright info
-Policies and research
-Copyright Council training programs
-Copyright Council publications
-Australian Copyright Council online shop
-Australian Copyright Council contact information

visited: 02/12/06

Arts Law Centre of Australia

-The Arts Law Centre Of Australia
-The Arts Law Centre of Australia is the national community legal centre for the arts.
-Legal services
-Legal information
-Sample contracts
-Policy and research
-Indigenous legal issues

visited: 02/12/06


Tuesday 21 November 2006

Part 1: CUFADM02A Posting: What is a blog is and how i will use it

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A blog is an online journal/diary (how short and sweet was that!)

I shall use this blog to display my tasks for the WebCT Course for CUFADM02A Address Copyright. Oh and apparently blogs help with letting off steam, oh how I’m going to enjoy this *rubs hands together*






Part 1: CUFADM02A Posting: about meeeeee

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background information, hobbies and interests -->

lets see you really need to know? It’s not that interesting.

*sigh* may as well indulge whom ever reads this

I’m a brissy resident, or is it brizvagas these days? Anyway, my hobbies include sleeping, eating, breathing and reading. My interests, anything creative, anything Japanese (I swear I was Japanese in my past life), and anything exciting.

Why am i doing this course at TAFE
----> only the lord knows......just kidding, it’s just a step into varsity my good man.

career goals are -->

I would like a career where I’m paid to do nothing, unfortunately that’s not likely to happen, so I’m thinking of world domination.

or....something along the lines of graphic design/producing